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Thursday, January 31, 2013

A New Republic Chapter 1: Sacrifice, Part 1

Dave vigilantly surveys the yard, within the tenuous safety of the confines of the prison fortress he calls home. The hand sown fields will soon provide sustenance for the group, but he knows that it is not enough with memories of the winter's difficulties waning in the shadow of long forgotten desires of a civilized world and the advent of growing wants beyond the needs of a new world this agrarian outpost can never sate. Dave surveys the yard with an uneasy vigilance.

The relative security of fences has bred complacency which has in turn bred restlessness. Survival has been trivialized by surviving, while trivial desires have been tempered by unfulfilled passions. Dave surveys the yard with waning vigilance, uneasy in his knowledge that survival is not enough anymore. This is not the same group that cleared this yard and sowed these fields, for if it had been they would have responded differently to the distant report of gunfire.

The unmistakable report of a single shot in the distance lingers in the air, ominously. Dave recognizes it as a large caliber round fired from a rifle, faint in the distance but still lingering in his ear. His attention immediately goes to his son Benji who is standing next to Billy in the yard. They both stare uneasily in the direction of the origin of the sound, as does Karen who now stands with dirty knees in the field where she had been tending the crops. Marci and Jae Kyu appear out of a doorway, anxiously trying to assess the situation as Dave quickly inventories the group in his head.

“Is everyone ok?” pleads Dave, not waiting for an answer that he already knows as he ascends the nearest tower in an effort to get eyes on the origin of the gun shot. He can see no evidence of a threat from his vantage point. Nobody has been injured by the shot, and in fact the gunfire doesn't appear to have been directed at the prison at all. So who had been firing a weapon in such close proximity to their outpost, and why? Even a threat not directed at the group is a threat to the group, and any threat to the group needs to be evaluated, so Dave descends into the yard as quickly as he had ascended and begins to gather a scouting party. “Billy, Jae Kyu, let's go.”

As the group gathers in the yard Marci informs them that she is going with them and Dave nods his approval. He wants to argue, but he knows it's useless. Benji looks expectantly at his father, but Dave insists that he needs him to stay with his infant sister. Benji wants to argue, but he knows it's useless.

“It sounded like it came from the highway” surmises Billy, “probably a half mile away. Did you see anything from the tower?”

“No, but it did sound like it came from the highway” agrees Dave. “We'll go on foot. The noise probably stirred the walkers, so stay sharp but avoid using guns. We don't want to alert whoever fired that rifle to our presence.”

The team stays off the road behind the tree line as they move up the highway until they spot a figure with his back to them in the middle of the road, bulky under a dark hooded robe. He is hunched over, diligently dressing a large buck that had apparently been the target of the rifle fire under investigation. The robed figure seems unaware of their presence until Dave sights in on him with his scope.

“If you will do us the courtesy of lowering your rifle, we will reciprocate in kind” comes the voice from under the hood, calmly, without any other acknowledgement of the group's presence as the shadowy figure continues to skillfully run his sharp knife under the buckskin.

Startled and confused, Dave lowers his rifle, and addressing the back of the mysterious figure, questions “we?”

“You assumed I was alone? Thank you for lowering your rifle. You have nothing to fear from us.”

“Who are you?” Dave's voice was reticent.

“Some might call us hunters, killers, scavengers... survivors... Most people who know us call us friends. We are all of these. Sometimes we are a shadow in the night. Sometimes we are a beacon of light. We are exactly what we need to be, no more, no less. Right now, we are lucky to have more food than we can eat, and we are inclined to share this bounty with the four of you if you would put away your weapons and share our table in peace.” The words emanate from under the hood that never faces Dave or his group.

By now, Dave knows that the cryptic robed figure is indeed not alone. He had known when Dave had raised his weapon as well as when he lowered it and how many were in the group without ever laying eyes on them and without ever faltering in his task of undressing the deer. His voice was warm, his words were friendly and his actions were unnaturally calm, even at gunpoint. Still, Dave does not know this man's intentions toward his people, whose safety depends on his decisions. So, Dave is cautious. Altruism, if it had ever existed at all, had surely died with civilization, yet here he was, faced with a mysterious man who offered good will with no apparent agenda. So Dave doesn't respond. He looks to his own companions, but sees in their face the same confusion and distrust that he feels in his own heart. So, still, he doesn't respond.

The robed figure continues silently working with the knife until the buckskin is completely free of the beast's flesh before he turns to face Dave, his gloved hand lowering his hood to reveal a ballistic helmet with goggles and a black ballistic mask decorated with a blacker peace sign, and as he draws aside his robe to sheathe his knife Dave recognizes the ballistic armor he wears as dragon skin, which had only been available to elite military forces before civilization fell. This man is no ordinary survivor, and he most certainly has an agenda, although Dave has no idea what it might be.

“You still question our intentions? If we harbored ill-intent towards you, don't you think that you would know by now? I am Peace.” Peace approaches Dave, hand extended in friendship. “You wish to know our agenda?”

Dave meets Peace cautiously to accept his hand. “I am Dave. What is your business here? Do you have business with us?”

“You found us, Dave, we didn't find you. Shouldn't I be asking you that question?”

“We heard the gunshot. We came to see if there was a threat.”


“You tell me.”

“We are no threat to you so long as you give us no reason to be. Now, we have to set up camp and establish a perimeter, so if you would like to join us for dinner you are welcome, but we can't stay in the middle of this road, so what will it be?” With the low growl of a diesel engine, a matte black armored Humvee emerges from the woods and approaches. As the vehicle gathers speed a flag unfurls, blue, emblazoned with a golden phoenix.

“We have a safe outpost nearby” offers Dave, “why don't you follow us there.”

“We appreciate your hospitable offer, but we can't do that for obvious security reasons. As you are cautious, so are we. How many are at this outpost of yours?”

“There are nine of us in all.”

“Go ahead and gather your people if you like and meet us at the parking lot about eight-tenths of a mile South of our position. We will go ahead and set up camp there. Don't attempt to enter the perimeter. We will have to let you in.” Peace signals the driver, who remains in the vehicle while another man, larger than Peace but similarly robed, emerges from the back of the Humvee to help Peace lift the deer carcass and hide onto the hood of the Humvee and strap it down before they both get into the vehicle and head south.


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